We think that an in-depth understanding of changing and evolving markets is essential for any business.

We believe in taking the time to work with our clients to define the relevant business questions so that we can bring answers that matter. Our ambition is to drive impact – in all our projects. Sometimes, this may also mean embarking on a nonprofit project to advance public dialogue on matters that we care about.

Our work in short

  • We always use primary data and research
  • We always work hands-on
  • We drive impact

We always use primary data and research

We always work hands-on

We drive impact

Providing strategic insights since


Semi-ethnographic research done in

8 countries

Quantitative (longitudinal)
research done in

10 countries

Secret power

Research-backed, actionable insights

The number of
Fortune 500 listed clients


Special expertise on

Urban Chinese and Indian youth culture


Alice Labs
tel. + 358 (0)50 4835094

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